List of products by brand Berto & Fiorella Baccichetto

Berto & Fiorella Baccichetto (Precenicco - Udine)

In the company founded in 1966 by Umberto Baccichetto and his wife Fiorella, three generations coexist today, testifying the vitality of this precious Friulian winery.

Drinking wines from Friuli is always a pleasure, a true breath of fresh air for those who love sincere and fragrant wines, without too many interventions in the winemaking process.

The vineyards of the Berto & Fiorella Winery stretch between the Adriatic coast and the town of Latisana, favored by a mild and ventilated climate on sandy-clayey soils rich in mineral salts.

The care of the working method is reflected in the SQNPI certification, the national mark that guarantees careful policies regarding respect for the environment, human labor, and the production of clean wines.
