List of products by brand L'Avventura

L'Avventura (Piglio - Frosinone)

The first thing we have noticed when we visited the winery L'Avventura in Piglio was the field bean that grows everywhere in the vineyard.
The field bean is a natural fertilizer very much appreciated by the "green" winemakers.
On top of that we have appreciated the amazing biodiversity of the estate.

The organic certification on L'Avventura bottles is in the end just a detail and a consequence of the good work.

Gabriella and Stefano started L'Avventura in year 2015 with the clear goal to produce great wines in a beautiful landscape.

This is the Cesanese DOCG wine area. Cesanese is the most important native grape from Lazio and it has experienced a huge quality growth in the last decade bringing Cesanese to compete with the best Italian wines.

Tradition, respect for the land and scientific knowledge brought L'Avventura to an amazing high level in few years.
